Minggu, 28 Agustus 2016

Lawn Gnome Prank

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Others have pulled that traveling-gnome prank before. For example, in 2005, a gnome was stolen out of Washington state resident Marianne Severson's garden and returned with photographic proof he'd met several celebrities, including Paris Hilton. The most well-known organization that carries out such pranks and sets the gnomes free, is the Front for the Liberation of Garden Gnomes (le Front pour la LibĂ©ration des Nains de Jardin), based in France. In 1998, 11 garden gnomes were found having And others have pulled that traveling-gnome prank before. For example, in 2005, a gnome was stolen out of Washington state resident Marianne Severson's garden and returned with photographic proof he'd met several celebrities, including Paris Hilton. Kooky groups have popped up around the world to “liberate” garden gnomes and release them into the wild. One prank led to a popular movement called “gnoming,” in which someone steals a garden gnome, takes pictures of it in various locations A globe-trotting little garden gnome dubbed "Kern" recently visited Amundsen-Scott Research Station at the geographic South Pole in Antarctica. The inanimate traveler's trip was a take on the "Traveling Gnome Prank," a joke that's been in vogue since the .

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